Developing Its Own Digital Marketing Opportunities

Managed Benefits Services is an award winning company in New Zealand that offers a range of innovative benefits and services for its clients and associates. With over 20 years of experience in the Managed Benefits Services industry, Richard Ongal was recently elected as the National Chair of the Managed Benefits Service Industry Association (MBSIA). Mr. Ongal began his career as a contract manager with SPS Group Plc, one of the world's largest employers of Managed Benefits Services professionals. From there, he went on to become an Executive Director of SPS Group plc and then Managed Accountant, before becoming a Board Certified Manager of Benefits at Enterprise Solutions Limited. Today, Mr. Ongal is also the Executive Vice- Chairman of AIG Wealth Management, one of the world's largest private pension and life insurance companies. Click here for more details about krishen iyer fresno

During his tenure as Managed Accountant, Mr Ongal saw Managed Benefits Services as a perfect opportunity to expand into the online marketing space, as well as the private client sector. After selling Managed Benefits Services to a large international company, he took his next big leap forward in his career, by founding the newly-formed company. The Board of Managed Benefits Services is designed to empower the staff and arm them with all the resources they need to be successful. This includes having access to training resources, along with maintaining a strong networking structure, as well as the necessary professional connections. All this helps the Managed Benefits Services professional effectively execute his client and company's marketing opportunities.

As part of their strategy for success, Managed Benefits Services now focuses on providing its clients and associates with the tools, training and advice they need for effectively communicating with the outsourcing company, as well as all the assistance required to make their contracting processes as efficient as possible. The company is also focused on building its own educational resources, as well as expanding its professional network - all in its effort to better meet the needs and objectives of its clients. Its goal is to create a culture that's based not only on the trust of its clients, but on the knowledge it has of its clients' processes and strategies. To achieve this, Managed Benefits Services has developed its own curriculum, providing its members with the knowledge, expertise and understanding they need in order to meet their clients' needs. In addition, the company is developing its own, industry-specific strategic growth plan - which is currently underway and includes incorporating recommendations from its own members and other industry professionals.

The Managed Benefits Services professional will also implement the company's electronic marketing strategies. This includes assisting its clients in the implementation of its contract management system, its digital marketing strategy, its web site and its contract information systems. Contract management software and its electronic marketing initiative will allow contractors to easily manage their outsourced projects, while its web site will allow them to easily advertise their products and services across the Internet. In addition, the company will engage in the implementation of its healthcare strategic growth plan. The strategic growth plan will allow its clients to efficiently track their on-going investments and in turn, make the best use of their funds.

The Managed Benefits Services provider has also begun developing its in-house marketing opportunities. To begin, the company will launch an e-marketing initiative, targeting insurance companies and professional contracting organizations. The company will offer online and offline advertising opportunities for these companies. It will also develop an online marketing tools that will be used by its member companies and will work in collaboration with the company's on-going goal of providing the best insurance companies and professional contracting organizations with a competitive advantage. It is also developing its own digital marketing opportunities, working in partnership with an already strong digital marketing agency and with a third party lead generation company.

In addition, the Managed Benefits Services firm will work with the client's in-house health insurance lead generation company to develop an insurance lead database. This database will include both the names and contact information of prospective clients. The Managed Benefits Services provider will then use the health insurance lead database for its own client and contractor telemarketing campaigns. Finally, the company will offer its client's free advice and educational resources through its website. In all, the Managed Benefits Services provider is working to become one of the largest providers of digital marketing opportunities to health insurance companies.


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