How to Treat Impotence at Home
Impotence simply means that the penis of a man does not become erect enough to have sex. The medical terminology is erectile dysfunctions (ED). ED is also not the same as premature ejaculation, which is a condition wherein the man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would like him too. The leading causes of ED are: vascular (blood vessels) disorder, neurological disorders and endocrine (hormone) imbalance.
Impotence is commonly caused by the spinal cord. There are several theories about the cause of this condition, such as the effect of trauma on the nervous system or the effect of a neurological disorder on the body. Some medical experts believe that it is a product of the stress a person undergoes in his daily life. On the other hand, some medical experts opine that Impotence is a type of abnormality in human psychology. Another school of thought suggests that physical factors like abnormal blood pressure and hormone levels, genetic problems and neurological disorders are the psychological causes of Impotence.
Another common cause of Impotence is psychological issues. According to experts, mental disorders like depression and schizophrenia can lead to Impotence. In fact, studies have shown that roughly half of all men suffering from Depression experience Impotence within one year of the onset of the condition. Similarly, approximately half of all men suffering from schizophrenia and some of those with bipolar disorder also suffer from Impotence.
Impotence can be treated depending on the underlying cause of the condition. If the underlying cause of impotence is a physical problem, then physical treatments are usually prescribed. Physical treatments for impotence include medications, surgery and alternative therapies like massage and acupuncture. However, if the underlying cause of impotence is psychological or a mental illness, then psychological treatments alone may be enough to treat the condition.
For patients suffering from a heart condition like High Cholesterol, Hypertension or High Blood Pressure, physical treatments like blood pressure lowering medications can help them prevent Impotence. Studies have also indicated that physical therapy coupled with counseling and lifestyle counseling can also help men with High Cholesterol avoid Impotence. This therapy can also help in controlling high blood pressure in patients with hypertension and in preventing the onset of Impotence in patients with Hypertension or High Blood Pressure. In addition to these, other medications can also be prescribed by doctors such as beta-blockers for hypertension, and diuretics to lower the high blood pressure. Click here for more details about 持久液
In some cases, Impotence may occur due to health issues. These include erectile dysfunction, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. To get rid of Impotence, it is important that the patient should be treated by a certified physician. After talking to the physician, you can discuss some of the available treatment options.
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