A Look at the Different Debt Relief Methods
Have you heard about Dr. Green Relief Jacksonville? It is a company that offers debt relief services to those residents of Jacksonville that are in debt. This company was started by a person named Richard Barris, and he wanted to help those Jacksonville residents in need of financial assistance. The good thing about this company is that they actually assist you in the payment process for your debts. You are not required to repay anything from your pocket while you are on their program; however, this service will be there to guide you through every step of the process.
What exactly does Dr. Green Relief Jacksonville do? They negotiate with your creditors to lower your interest rates. They will also eliminate late fees, reduce your interest payments and even eliminate some penalties. Once this is done, they will make sure that you are completely debt free.
In order for this plan to work, you must have more than ten thousand dollars of unsecured debt. There are many disadvantages to this debt relief method, such as the fact that you are required to pay all of your debt back. If you have credit card debt, then your relief will be delayed. This is because your credit card companies will not work with this service, as it does not involve them in the negotiation process.
Once a company agrees to help you out, they will then give you a monthly payment plan. The payment will usually start off slow, but you will get out of debt gradually. This is a great method for those people who have an initial large debt. The downfalls of this debt relief plan are the fact that you are required to pay back the money you borrow, and you are no longer able to buy anything with your credit cards. Also, you may not have a job when you finish paying off the debt. If you have a job, then you may end up losing it if you go bankrupt due to owing a large sum of money.
Another debt relief method that can help you out in a pinch is debt consolidation. With this service, you take a loan, with which you pay off all of your current debts. You can also combine multiple loans into one to save on fees. However, you do not get to keep the loan that you took out.
Using a debt consolidation service may not be the best option for you, if you need your debt reduced quickly. Debt settlement, on the other hand, may be a better option for you. Debt settlement involves your creditors negotiating with you to reach an amount agreeable to both parties. After this, you will be responsible for paying back the amount you settled to your creditor and will not have to worry about any more debt from your company. This is a great method to use if you want to get out of debt on your own. Click here for more details about dr green relief jacksonville
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