speeding Ticket Attorney
Have you been pulled over for speeding and before you can give your ticket to the officer, you realize that you do not have a speeding attorney in Eagle County? Maybe you are out on the road on a Monday night and you come across an accident where a motorist lost their life. You are left in a daze as you watch the news on the television and wonder what you missed. Maybe the news anchor wants to talk to you about the accident, but you are too traumatized to talk. Then you decide that you do not want to talk and you walk away.
If this has happened to you need a speeding attorney in Eagle County, you are not alone. Speeding tickets are one of the most common traffic citations issued by police officers today. Many people assume that they will be able to just pay the fine without an attorney. This is no longer the case in Eagle County.
Speeding cases are one of the most challenging cases to fight in traffic court. If you do not have the proper legal representation, you may find yourself dealing with a judge who is more concerned with the fines involved than finding out whether or not you were guilty of the crime. Many times, a traffic citation will end up going to trial and a jury will decide the case. If you have a strong case, chances are you will win the case. However, there are ways to reduce your chances of losing your case.
When you receive your traffic citation in Eagle County, you will be able to choose between a trial and a plea bargain. A plea bargain is an agreement between the police and the driver that if they do not agree with the punishment, they will enter into a plea bargain. In many cases, this results in reduced fines, probation, community service, or other alternative punishments that result in having to serve less jail time or probation time. It is up to you to discuss these options with your speeding attorney. If you are unable to come to an agreement with your speeding attorney, your case may go to trial.
There are also many benefits for hiring a Phoenix attorney to defend you in court if you are facing a traffic citation in Eagle County. Hiring a professional attorney in Phoenix to represent your speeding case can mean the difference between accepting the citation and paying a fine that may not be affordable. You may also be entitled to additional defense fees if you lose your case. As you consider your options regarding your speeding case, you should discuss the options with your speeding attorney in Phoenix. Click here for more details about Speeding Attorney Eagle County
Speeding tickets can be very intimidating and frustrating. The best way to avoid spending a great deal of money on a case that you may lose is to hire a Phoenix traffic attorney. A Phoenix attorney has experience handling many speeding cases throughout the Phoenix area. They know how to handle judges, traffic courts, traffic cameras, and other local court systems, and they can give you the results that you need so that you can get on with your life.
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