How to Choose a Furnace or Boiler
What is The Difference Between A Boiler And A Furnace? When you're in the market for an electric heating system, keep these basic furnace or boiler facts in mind: a boiler functions by circulating hot air through a series of tubes, with an outside blower, and then releasing it into rooms through various vents. A furnace on the other hand, works by burning wood or coal and produces heat that is stored and burned when needed. The type of fuel that is used in a boiler is a factor in the efficiency of the system. It's also important to note that a boiler is considered "efficient" only when it's actually functioning. There is no point in buying a heating system when it will not last more than five years. To find out what sort of furnace or boiler you need, read on: - Is there room for ventilation in a furnace? Some models of furnaces come with large vents that open in the ceiling for ventilation. If your furnace has these vents, then the chances are good that it can be...