How To Check Out A Ball Tang
If you're interested in buying a golf ball, you will probably know what a "ball tang" is. Well, if not, let me explain. Basically, it's the indentation that the ball makes when it's struck. The most important thing that you need to look at is the indentation. This will determine how low or high the ball goes when you hit it. Most people who buy golf balls are concerned about this. It's the one thing that will tell you if you're hitting the ball at the correct speed or not. As you can see, if you want to purchase a good golf ball, you will have to pay attention to this. Here are some ways that you can check it out. You can look at the hole of the golf ball and look for any small cracks or splits. This is especially important if you're trying to put distance between your ball and the hole. Another way to check it out is by looking at the back of the ball. You can either look at the entire back of the ball or just the part that lies under the grip. If it ...